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professional bio

Dr. Salna Smith ND

After graduating from the University of Ottawa with three years of pre-medical education, I went on to pursue medicine at the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. It was from here that I graduated as a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine. Through my experiences at Ottawa Integrative Health Centre, Anishnawbe Health Toronto and my successful downtown Toronto practice of seven years as well as satellite practices both Virtual and in the GTA, I’ve been able to grow my health knowledge in Adrenal Fatigue and Women’s Health.

My passion is helping professional women on the verge of burnout get back the energy they deserve so they can be laser focused and accomplish their priorities with more ease.

My technique incorporates a full range of Western and Eastern influenced naturopathic therapies, which deeply respect the connection between body, mind and spirit. Treatments are designed to facilitate the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

My approach to healthcare is comprehensive, holistic and unique. It is my goal is to educate patients through tailored health care to ensure that they become an active participant in their own health care. My therapies utilize all aspects of naturopathic medicine such as nutrition, lifestyle counselling, botanical medicine, homeopathy and hydrotherapy and my services can be used in conjunction with conventional medicine.

I am in good standing and certified with the College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta (CNDA).

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